Look, I like being radical. I like diving in. I love being passionate about things. When it comes to food, and uncovering how we are lied to about food and nutrition....I get completely blown out of the water. I am NOT saying I have never had a Pop Tart or a bowl of Captain Crunch, or a hamburger at McDonalds, or a Taco from Tacobell, I am just saying that those foods have taken over America!! It has damaged our taste buds!! Great thing is....your body is created so amazingly that it can heal itself!! My neck was causing me all kinds of problems....I know it sounds crazy, but over this last month I have had less neck pain then I have had in a long time!! Tomorrow for my 4 week anniversary...I am running 4 miles, okay, I am going to attempt to run 4 miles I will probably walk a few! :) So lets dig into some food ideas:
Salad...thats a no brainer, but there are hundreds of types of salad!
Stuffed vegis...stuff a mushroom or a pepper
NUTS...man am I crazy about nuts now! You can make all kinds of things out of them...just soak them first as it takes out some acid and enzyme inhibitors(something like that, a little internettin' and you'll get all the specifics)
Muesli - all different concoctions of cereals made from oat flakes and dried fruits
soups - okay, these aren't my favorite, so I like to think of them more like a smoothie
Hummus - did I say hummus? Oh yes....sweet, amazing hummus, so wonderful for dipping vegis or flax crackers!
Fruits - Have you seen the selection at your local grocery store? There are only like 500 options for your pleasure, every color of the rainbow!
Lettuce Wraps - wrap it up baby!! A salad in a roll!! Fill it with Mushrooms, and other chopped vegis!
Sandwiches - yep these too! A little homeade flax bread in your dehydrator and your off to the world of pb & j (all raw of course), pb & banana, vegi's stacked a mile high, etc
Pesto - Ahhhhhh!! Pesto rawks!
Smoothies - we love smoothies! from choco banana to strawberry, there are a million concoctions!
Raw desserts - can you believe it? You can have your chocolate and eat it too!!!I have a few great recipes, oh and there is more to come! Like puddings, cobblers, cakes, cookies.....yes, eating raw can be AMAZING!
Vegis - have you seen your local Fresh fruit and vegi section? Yes you can have any of those while eating Raw foods....just pick one: celery and almond butter, sliced cucumbers and hummus, carrots, zucchini, radishes, onions, garlic, chiles......on and on!!
So much food so little time....:) You Rawk!
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